I Call my camera, " The Third Eye that i have wished for" because it usually gives me a different view from what i have seen in my naked eye. It is also my memory enhancer. Sometimes we travel so fast and we see too much beauty that we miss some of it. With my digital camera at hand, i shoot at anything and voila! i see a lot of beauty in retrospect!
To buy or not to buy...that is the question! A portion of land in this tiny white sand island called Mararison Island is available, and i am contemplating at this very moment if i should push through with my plan of buying a portion of land in one virgin island ( white sand! ) in my province Antique. While i'm still indecisive, i am posting some pictures of this island and if by chance anybody would like to share their thoughts and comment. You are all welcome. You might be able to make me decide! To go or not to go ahead with the buy. I feel like i have the peace and quiet in Mararison Island but its so so backwards because there is no electricity. Its like going back in time...hmmmmm...my delimna....